۱۳۸۶ آبان ۹, چهارشنبه

عنوان دهان پر كن

عنوان مقاله اخير جان اليس
اين است:
Gauguin's questions in particle physics: Where are we coming from? What are we? Where are we going?

ترجمه: ز كجا آمده ام آمدنم بهر چه بود؟

يكي نيست بهش بگه كي مي ره اين همه راه! البته در چكيده توضيح داده منظورش چه بوده:

Within particle physics itself, Gauguin's questions may be interpreted as: P1 - What is the status of the Standard Model? P2 - What physics may lie beyond the Standard Model? P3 - What is the `Theory of Everything'? Gauguin's questions may also asked within a cosmological context: C1 - What were the early stages of the Big Bang? C2 - What is the material content of the Universe today? C3 - What is the future of the Universe? In this talk I preview many of the topics to be discussed in the plenary sessions of this conference, highlighting how they bear on these fundamental questions.

۲ نظر:

Qasem گفت...

what Gauguin stands for? Henri Paul Gauguin the famous painter? besides P3 is meaningless, as well as C3. "Why should we trust an extrapolation into indefinit future od a theory we can at best show is a good approximation to reality?" Peeble[?] asks

ناشناس گفت...

Let's discuss this on Sunday at our cookie hour (this time it will
be "raahat-ol-holgoom hour).
