۱۳۸۷ اردیبهشت ۱, یکشنبه

این مشکل ما نیست

برای ما فقط کمیت مهم است. فقط دوست داریم که شاخص‌ها را افزایش دهیم بدون اینکه بدانیم چطور باید اینکار را بکنیم. چرا، البته یک کار را خوب بلد هستیم. گوش پیچاندن. «شاخص را زیاد کن یا شاخصت می‌کنیم!» اگر مشکلی هم داری، این مشکل ما نیست.

در این دیار کسی به این توجه نمی‌کند که یک دانشگاه خوب استاد خوب دارد. یک دانشگاه خوب، دانشجویان دکتریش حقوق دریافت می‌کنند. یک دانشگاه خوب، مرکز مشاوره دارد تا در صورت بروز مشکل دانشجویان را راهنمایی کند و راههایی بهتر از خودکشی را پیش پای ایشان بگذارد، آنهم در جمع، آنهم در جلوی استاد و به نقلی به تحریک استاد. و خلاصه اینکه یک دانشگاه خوب، هزار و یک چیز خوب دیگر هم دارد ...

۵ نظر:

منجوق گفت...

Dear Pinocchio, Imagine a university council meeting in "Sakhaa"!The council is composed of five old professors and a young one. The door opens and a maid (imagine her blonde and skinny if you wish) enters bringing a bowl of fruits which includes tangerine. One of the professors that has publicly declared over and over that although he is an atheist but he is more moral than any religous man ever born and lived, points out "since buying tangerines is a waste of public money I demand to stop buying tangerine for meetings of the council". The youth suddenly remembers that just yesterday he had to console a PhD student that because of hurdles put by this very same man before him has got depressed. He tells himself they are wasting the most precious asset a university can have (i.e., most talented PhD students) then he is afraid about one kilo of tangerine. He suddenly bursts out "This is hypocrisy". He finds five pairs of reproaching eyes fixed on him. He has never been given the opportunity to explain what he meant by hypocrisy ever since.
The end!

The curtain falls down!

ناشناس گفت...

و بیننده پس از افتادن پرده می‌پرسد: چرا پیران دلیل سخن جوان را از او نپرسید؟ و هم‌چنین چرا جوان دلیل رفتار آن پیر را با آن دانش‌جو در روز قبل جویا نشد.

منجوق گفت...

Dear Birooni, If you travel more often to Sakhaa you will eventually find out the answer to these questions. The senior people is Sakhaa have learned one lesson from the difficults years of cultural revolution during which all universities were shut down. The lesson is simple: " If you do not show the students and younger professors who is the boss, s/he will become a rebel and dare to question your position and every thing for which you have striven for all your life."
That is why they do not allow the youth to voice their concerns. Perhaps, if we have lived through those difficult years, we have turned out just the same.

However, we are lucky. We are much better off. Instead of struggling with problems of that sort, we have the chance to travel abroad and observe how seniors in well-established academic centers behave. We see after a while they just leave simple responsibilities to younger generations and move on to another phase. This phase is not by any means "preparing for the grave". On the contrary, it is preparing for a new life. They establish relations of their own category and become useful in directions that is beyond the scope of a 30-40 year old.

As for establishing the hierarchy and demonstrating "who is the boss?" Well, they are still the THE BOSS even if they do not hold any official position without any need to be pushy and manipulative. They are the boss by their wisdom and insight. A gift which has been obtained through a lifetime of serios academic work. There is no need for brute force to "demand respect" either!
Their serious professional conduct commands respect quite naturally.

ناشناس گفت...

این «سخا» کجاست؟

منجوق گفت...

Sakha" is a sort of fairyland created in one of Pinocchio's surreal stories."