۱۳۸۶ اسفند ۲۶, یکشنبه

Motivation for writing

I am not writing these series of posts on my political standpoints to persuade the readers to agree with me. First, I know that I will not be able to do so and second, it is pointless because a few votes do not change much the outcome of any national election. I am writing these series to achieve a better mutual understanding. Considerable number of people within my circle read Hamvarda so if we reach a mutual understanding, it is less likely to have tensions on political issues in future. Such tensions, as you can imagine, are quite harmful for any progress so it is worth spending time and energy to reach a mutual understanding.Notice that mutual understanding is different from having consensus.I may disagree with your viewpoint and you may disagree with mine.But, if we have mutual understanding we also aknowledge that each of us has own reasons. I should appreciate that you are not a traitor by voting or not voting to someone or some party that I support. You are not stupid or ignorant, either. You just think differently and you have the right to do so.

Second reason for writing is a practice for constructive debate.I am no politician but eventually I have to sit down in many councils of smaller scale for decision making.So, I have to practice for that. We should practice to be able to debate to reach a reasonable solution without letting emotions or our egos come before the undertaking.One of the shortcoming of fellow Iranians (especially physicists among them) is that they do not debate to reach a solution or even expand their horizons.Their primary goal from debating is to show off their skills in conversation and their ability in finding fault in the arguement of the person sitting before them and then attack him/her through this fault. This might be a good game but does not lead to any constructive result. I am writing these series to learn how to deal with such debaters.
Last but not least, I write because I like writing.

۲ نظر:

Yasin Memari گفت...

نیازی به استفاده از فونت بزرگ نیست. نوشته ها انگار دارن فریاد می زنن. با فونت کوچیک لااقل قابل خوندن هستند.

منجوق گفت...

Dear Aatash,
I will use smaller fonts from now on. I used larger fonts because some of the readers had complained that my previous fonts were too small to read.

You express ordinary comments such this one in such a harsh tone that I thought you might be someone that in the past I unknowingly have done something very bad to you.
I clicked on your name
to find out who you are and apologize to you in case I have wronged or insulted you in the past.I had never seen you before so I could not have hurt you.Then I read your post on your conversation with those girls and realized this is your way of talking.
It is not like Monjoog to tell somebody "take it easy" but I recount the following piece from one of the greatest minds of the all human history. From someone who has played a great role in shaping our beloved culture and making it so great and rich that despite all the negative propanganda by western media we are still proud of our culture and hold our head up in front of strangers:

"Khayyam! agar ze baade masti khosh baash

Baa maahrokhi agar neshasti, khosh baash

Chon aagebate kaare jahan nisti ast

Engar ke nisti, cho hasri khosh baash.

The gentle and humanistic
Couplets of Khayyam have gained more credit for Iran and the Iranian than any debater can ever do