۱۳۸۶ اسفند ۲۸, سه‌شنبه

Balance and maturity

In early years after revolution as well as during Khatami's administration, the Iranian society was quite politically sensitive. They closely followed the political news and engaged in heated political debates in many occasions. Politics dominated the mindset of educated class and undermined non-political arts, peotry, literature, humanity sciences and, to some extent, unfortuantely, even physics.In early months that Shahin and I had returned from abroad to Iran (which was the last year of Khatami's presidency), it often happened that some people in the middle of a quite serious physics seminar started talking politics. Shahin and I strongly protested against such a trend and (at the cost of falling from grace!!) we put an end to it. Yes, in fact we fought to make this change but this change would not be possible if the younger generation did not support us.

Too much of politics can pollute scientific atmosphere. On the other hand, complete apathy towards politics has its negative consequences, too. There must be a balance. The question is what is the balance and who has the right to determine it. As Sa@di has said "hame kas aql-e khod be kamaal binad-o farzand-e khod be jamaal!"But, we must be aware that anybody who proclaims himself as the gauge for "balance is no different from the one who claims he has the truth and the whole truth and therefore has a divine right to lead. Such people and such claims are dangerous.

In an established scientific atmosphere where there is a natural academic hierarchy, balance is in the air and this question does not arise.
Let me explain what I mean by natural academic hierarchy. In an established stable scientific institute, more senior people (even though might not anymore be active)have considerably higher insight about both science and science administration. No matter how smart younger ones are or how hard they work and educate themselves, still their insight does not equal those of the more senior people. The reason is simple. In such institutes,only the professors reach seniority that are smart, devoted to work and have accumlated experience in research and scientific administration for a lifetime. Of course, younger generation can have new ideas that are encouraged by the senior people if their insight tells them the idea is worth investing on. Such senior people "aardhaashoon-o bikhtand, alakaashoon-o aavikhtand". They are mature enough not to wage war against junior people or make a fuss over nothing. In case the junior ones make a mistake or cross a line, through a face to face conversation and a little of explanation they make them aware of their mistakes.
In such an atmosphere and with such seniors who can set the example, the balance is already determined.

In a less established atmosphere, the balance should be determined through discussion and reaching a consensus.

New year is approaching. Happy new year to all of you. As the new year's wish,I hope that we can work next year towards achieving a better established atmosphere such as the one I described. This is not possible unless we try to have a more mature behavior than we had before.
I am telling this mostly to myself rather than anyone else.By making it public, I will feel stronger obligation to keep trying.

۱۰ نظر:

ناشناس گفت...

dear monjoog
It is great to hear that you have decided to try to be more mature. As an occasional reader of this blog I feel that this should be on the first second and third spots on your priority list (if not more). You as a person who obviously has a very high opinion about herself and who tries to have an important impact on her environment should take this issue very seriously. We can therefore hope to read posts by a more mature less destructive and more self respecting monjoog87.

Happy new year!

منجوق گفت...

Thanks for your comment. Would you please point out which one of my posts were destructive.

منجوق گفت...

By the way you mentioned that I have a high opinion of myself.I do not deny it but I would like to add that I have quite a high opinion of any human being as an individual and believe that with a reasonable strategy s/he can make a difference

Within my lifetime of 31 years I have already accomplised some small things that before me everybody told me it was impossible to make it possible. I do not see any reason why this cannot happen in future again

ناشناس گفت...

I would add a omment that maturity is something that the younger and more junior people should be learning from our seniors by setting examples. Alas, what I cannot see in our seniors is the maturity they ought to have. It is then on the juniors to find it through try and error.

منجوق گفت...

Dear second anonymous, Your comment deeply touches my heart.
You are right we should try to learn by try and error. The websites that I introduced (about methods of confrontation, commanding respect and etc) can be also helpful.

With the present situation,
any small mistake we make out of inexperience (or better to say because of the wrong information given to us to provoke a gladiatorial fight) causes a huge drama. We must be very careful.

منجوق گفت...

Dear anonymous with flawless English who only ``occasionally" reads Hamvarda,

I am still waiting for your explanation!

I wish you and your family a happy Noruz and I hope that during the new year's holidays you will find some time to read books such as "mo@ammaye Hoveidaa" of "Abbas Milaani" to learn from history.

There is a profound
difference between a comment or expressing opinion with accusation and condemnation.
Branding an individual's writing destructive without any further explanation or giving her/him a chance to defend herself/himself is an accusation followed by a groundless condemnation.

Accusing an individual of some serious crime such as destructiveness (and speaking so lightly of it)and not giving her explanation or time to defend
herself and passing judgment without consulting any jury is exactly the kind of trend that worries me. This is a threat to character of an individual even if it is disguised in a superficial fatherly tone

I am emphesizing on "individual" because in mind, people are not divided into "lord and his serfs","puppet-player and puppets","Charisma and his followers". In my view, everybody is an individual who possesses a character, has the right to choose, should be taken accountable for whatever mistakes he/she makes, should feel responsible in case he/she makes a promise, has the right to ask for credit for her/his achievements and has the right to defend herself/himself in case he/she accused.

ناشناس گفت...

dear monjoog
Thanks for your complements on my English. Your English is also OK. It appears that my note has hurt you. This was by no means my intention because after all you seem to try to be a useful individual as much as you can and that I respect. No promises but once I have more time and feel like that I may read your whole comment once and try to express myself more clearly.
Best wishes for 87

منجوق گفت...
این نظر توسط نویسنده حذف شده است.
ناشناس گفت...

با دیدن برخی از کامنت‌هایی که معمولاً ناشناسانه در اینجا گذاشته می‌شود و انتقادِ تند از نحوهٔ نوشتنِ شماست، بد ندیدم که من هم نظری بدهم. به نظرِ من به این‌گونه کامنت‌ها چندان اهمیت ندهید. دربارهٔ لحن نوشتار، خوبیِ نوشته های شما اینست که منظورِ آن مشخص است و برای شناخت دیدگاه کسی که درایران دارد در یک رشتهٔ نظری تحقیق می‌کند، مفید است، و و می‌توان با آن موافق یا مخالف بود. اگر آن را بیش از حد در لفافهٔ ادب و تواضع بپیچید، دیگر ارزشش را برای بحث از دست می‌دهد.


منجوق گفت...

Dear Yaavar,
Of course, I will not change my style because of what the above anonymous (who is not so anonymous that he supposes!!) says.
There is a difference between criticizing and accusation.
What he says is not criticizing but accusation.
With his arrogant tone he wants to say I am superior to you. Well, let him think so!